In "Gmail is for monkeys"

Heh, same here. Lots of invites. See profile. Are we at the point where people have to be paid to take these invites?

In "Cracks in the Pavement"

It's like the GPS-assisted game where you search for random stuff. Geocaching, I think, it's called.

In "Jesus In My Jeans Genes"

How does a person look and act when controlled by Satan or Devil and or the Worst Demons The LOOK is similar to what you saw and see on the Late Show with Konan O'Brien and also on Saturday Night Live and also sometimes on the Tonight Show and also the tongue using and practically wagging DarkSide Human on the David Letterman Show and are pale and have a chalky or almost gray and pale skin and red around the eye ball Sorry, Ted, I don't understand. Thisis to be read contiguously similar to a book. If not read contiguously and similar to a book then this does not make sense and is not coherent and this has to be read from start to finish similar to a book that builds with each chapter and section and part and paragraph and sentence and. Ok, thanks!

In "Click here to see the story and photo."

Now that I have some bananas, I would like to pass one to sacred and profane. Very funny.

In "George Lucas owes somebody royalties."

It's a lot to wade through. However, once you get past the Star Wars stuff, there are other gems about women, the persistent Illuminati, and (the former? the late?) Princess Diana.

In "Gmail is for monkeys"

All gone.

In "We All Hate Mondays..."

I'd like to see Heathcliff make it to the big screen, actually. Never was a big fan of Garfield. Heathcliff, however, was great. . . terrifies the neighborhood . . .

In "Gmail is for monkeys"

I've two got invites. Come and get 'em. First two Mofi members to email me. See profile. They're giving these out so quickly I think it's ready to go public. Hot damn.

In "Jurannessic."

Alright, I'll bite. What's ))))))?

In "Calendar Girls is an outrage!"

wendell, Who doesn't? I wish I had a copy of Skokie, though. Is the [deranged] theory really that Jews = Illuminati? I never knew that. Huh. Who knew?

Ok, I know it's not a double-post because Mefi doesn't count but I still feel so dirty for not searching there.

In "Monkey Fishing!!"

Why is it illegal? Because people might electrocute themselves or because they don't want so many fishes being killed at the same time?

In "Calendar Girls is an outrage!"

The Illuminati run Hollywood. They mess with our psyches by pretending the unnatural is perfectly normal. Damn, those pesky Illuminati! They ruin everything.

In "Monkeying about with mail"

flashboy, I hear ya. You innocently mention that you've followed a certain someone around the town one day and they get all bent out of shape. Ooops, back to the topic. I know that some web-based email companies give you that option, kuatto, but I couldn't find an option for that in Gmail. Is it default text? It's looks like that but I not sure.

In "Calendar Girls is an outrage!"

First link, first link! Be kind. Well, to me, not to Henry, the Ph.D.

In "Gmail is for monkeys"

If you have a Gmail account, will you eventually (well before it goes public) get invites that can be handed out?

In "Monkeying about with mail"

I would like to know if someone has read my mail, but, usually only when a response is a long time in coming. Generally, I don't mind not knowing. I don't think it's evitable because it's easy to get email in a text only format. If there's some mechanim other than an embedded image that works in text messages, then yeah, it would become ubiquitous. However, what I'd really like to know is if my email has been forwarded. Imagine being really frank about your personal life in an email and having it end up in--I don't know--Kevin Bacon's inbox.

In "Cloak of Invisibility"

Blaise, can you explain more or is a clip online? I've lost you.

In "Onomatopoeia, gee it's good to see ya!"

I've always been partial to flibbertigibbet, myself. However, it can be discombobulating to others when I use it in conversation.

In "Catfight 2"

I don't think it was that bad. It was alright. Anyway, I thought Pamela had reduction done?

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)